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Become your best.

You deserve it. 

Your clients deserve it.

Teach sold-out classes by being more you

You've learnt what to teach, now you need to know how to teach so that you have regular classes that sell-out and you enjoy!


If you work for studios, being the instructor who is regularly able to fill classes will open up the way for being offered more class slots, negotiating a higher pay rate and/or a bonus, and being more picky about your own schedule. 


If you run your own business. sold-out classes = more profit.

But you don't want to be teaching all the time, so having your staff teaching sold-out classes is your next step to getting your time back and to keep doing what brings you joy.

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Build your bespoke mentoring journey

Attend Pilates Teacher Classes

Join the Pilates Lounge and build your community

Get private 1-to-1 mentoring with Naomi

Join group mentoring

Pilates Teacher Classes

10 weeks of Group Pilates Classes on Zoom with Naomi Di Fabio - Join from anywhere in the world!


Build your own journey by having your say in what we work on together each week.


Attend live to get personalised feedback in the moment,  join in the discussion and developing your community. A recording of the class will be available so you can repeat the class more than once each week for optimal results.

Pilates Instructor Mentoring Program

Pilates Friends


Pilates Lounge

A community of Pilates instructors where you can be yourself, feel understood, inspired and motivated.


In the Pilates Lounge you can chat, ask questions, share your knowledge and move together with other instructors.


Teacher Classes

Join a small group weekly to keep up with your personal Pilates practise. 

Grow stronger, get inspired, improve your own technique and learn new skills through experiencing them.


Together with the rest of the group you will decide what we do each week.


Coaching Calls

You are unique.

Your aspirations are unique. Your situation is unique.

This is not a training course to spit out cookie-cutter instructors. 


We work together on achieving your personal goals and improving your own unique skillset.

Join the Community

We connect in the Pilates Lounge.
Come hang out with Pilates friends and start building your network.

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