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Hip Twist with Outstretched Arms

Body Position Set-Up

Basic Movement Cues

What to look for

Spine movement


Muscles Working

Muscles Stretching

Plane of Movement

Sagittal, Transverse, Frontal

Progressive Layers Inspiration

These are examples and designed to spark your own creativity. I have only done one or two repetitions of each layer. When teaching you should do as many repetitions as appropriate for your group and stop at the level when everyone has been sufficiently challenged. Encourage people to stay at a level that suits them on that day.

Make it easier

Make it more challenging

Special Considerations
Prenatal considerations

Osteoporosis considerations

Not appropriate for osteoporotic clients due to the loaded spine rotation and lumbar flexion.

Modify by leaning back on forearms and maintaining natural spine position.
A prop could be added under the back for more support. Do a smaller leg movement (knees bent, single leg or double legs depending on strength and flexibility). Keep back and upper body still throughout.

Done-For-You Sequences

Below are sequences which contain this exercise. Use them as they are or as inspiration!

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